lunedì 14 agosto 2017

Mock bresaola prosciutto vegan gluten free - Prosciutto bresaola vegana senza glutine

Inspired by Powered plant Haile
Mock bresaola prosciutto vegan gluten free.

If you miss a chewy, salty, real prosciutto you can't stop by and not try this recipe.

Ingredients for a sheet of prosciutto:

2 tsp homemade sauce
1/4 cup of water
1 + 1/2 tsp soy sauce
2 tsp beetroot juice
1 pinch of salt (for a smoked flavour try smoked salt or liquid smoke)
2-3 sheet of rice paper
vegetable oil (better a mild taste like sunflower)

* homemade vegan sauce:
1/4 tsp marmite
2 tsp brown moscovado sugar
1 tsp water
2 tsp cider vinegar (or vinegar)

Prepare the homemade sauce.


double this amount

Drain a pack of precooked beetroot and save the juice.
Wash the beetroot with running water (aprox a cup) and save the red water. You won't need the beetroot so store in the fridge.

Add 1/4 cup of  the red water, homemade sauce, soy sauce, beetroot juice, salt and sugar together and whisk.

Lay 2 or 3 sheets of rice paper at a time (they all make 1 sheet of prosciutto) one onto another into a tray and let them soak with the juice mixture.

It will take aprox 10 min to be fully absorbed.

Drain the excess of liquid on a rack.

Place on a plate and cut into stripes with scissors.

 Now be generous and rub them with the oil.

Enjoy straight away.

Bresaola prosciutto vegan senza glutine.

Ingredienti per ogni fetta di prosciutto:

2 cucchiaini  salsa fatta in casa
1/4 tazza di acqua
1 + 1/2 cucchiaino salsa soia
2 cucchiaini succo di rapa rossa
1 pizzico di sale (per il prosciutto affumicato sostituire con sale affumicato o fumo liquido)
2-3 fogli di carta di riso
olio vegetale dal sapore leggero (girasole)

* salsa fatta in casa:
1/4 cucchiaino di marmite
2 cucchiaini zucchero di canna moscovado
1 cucchiaino acqua
2 cucchiaini di aceto

Prepara prima la salsa casalinga mescolando tutti gli ingredienti.
Apri un pacco di rape precotte e conserva il succo.
Sciacqua le rape con un bicchiere di acqua e mettilo da parte.
Le rape non ti serviranno per questa ricetta.

Mescola tutti gli ingredienti (tranne l'olio) e amalgama bene.
Prendi 2-3 fogli di carta di riso sovrapposti (2-3 fogli fanno una fetta di prosciutto) e mettili in un contenitore. Versa il liquido e lascialo a marinare almeno dieci minuti o finchè assorbito.
Metti a scolare l'eccesso di liquido.
Metti i fogli di riso su un piatto e taglia a strisce con un coltello.
Aggiungi abbondante  l'olio di semi.

venerdì 21 aprile 2017

Easy cocoa and carob vegan sponge cake

2 cups self raising flour 
3/4 cup sugar
1 tsp baking powder
2 full tbsp carrob
2 full tbsp cocoa
1 tbsp chopped vegan chocolate or chips
1 full tsp of chia seeds
1 cup of vegetable milk
2 tbsp coconut oil or margarine
Caster sugar

Rehydrate the chia seeds with some hit water and let it still until becomes jellish.
Mix all dried ingredients. Melt the coconut oil and add to the dry ingredients. Add chocolate and chia seeds (including the water). Add the milk mixing and make a smooth thick batter.
Grease a 20cm tin and bake 180'C for 20min or until fully cooked.
Remove from oven and let it cool. Dust some Caster sugar or serve with chocolate syrup. 

#vegan #vegancake #crueltyfree #veganfood #vegandfoodshare #chocolate #spongecake #eggfree #dairyfree #cocoa #chocolatelove #chocoholic

mercoledì 21 dicembre 2016

Pasta al pesto di avocado vegan - Avocado and rocket pesto pasta

Per 4 persone :
1 avocado maturo
1 cucchiaio semi di zucca sbucciati
2 cucchiai olio di oliva
1 manciata di rughetta
8-10 olive verdi.
Frullare tutto aiutando il frullatore con un po' di acqua.
Aggiustare a gusto aggiungendo o diminuendo gli ingredienti.

For 4 people:
1 ripe avocado
1 tablespoon pumpkin seeds
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 handful of rocket salad
8-10 green olives.
Blend everything adding to the blender  a little bit of water.
Adjust to taste by adding or decreasing the ingredients.
Serve with plum tomatoes and fresh rocket salad. 

martedì 20 dicembre 2016

Vegan chinese dumplings - Ravioli al vapore cinesi vegan


1/2 cup finely chopped mushrooms (any type)
1/2 cup grated carrots
1/2 cup shredded cabbage
2 Tbsp. finely chopped red pepper
2 Tbsp. finely chopped onion
2 tsp. minced fresh ginger
1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1 Tbsp. sesame oil
Salt and pepper, to taste
dumpling dough
  1. 1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour [190g]
  2. 1/2 cup hot water, just boiled [118ml]

Place the flour in a mixing bowl and create a well in the center. Add the water slowly to the well while stirring to combine the flour and water gradually. Work the dough for a minute, place back in the bowl, cover and let rest for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile i

n a large mixing bowl, combine the mushrooms, carrots, cabbage, red pepper, onion, ginger, soy sauce, and sesame oil. Stir until combined and then season with salt and pepper to taste.

Divide the dough into pieces if you like. Dust the work surface with a little cornstarch if the dough sticks.
Roll out the dough into a large flat piece, cut the dough into squares or use a cookie cutter or cup to cut out circles. 

Fill the gough using a spoon, fold the disc in half and press the edge with fingers. Place the dumplings on baking paper.

You can steam them or cook on grill /non sticky pan.

Sweets potatoes and veggie Masala Curry - Curry di patate dolci e peperoni vegan

Red sweet potato and white potatoes, mixed fresh peppers, onion and chopped tomatoes Masala curry:
2 medium cloves of chopped garlic
1 onion
mix of peppers (crude, green, yellow) 1 each
half white potato
Half sweet potato
fresh parsley
Put the ingredients together (do not fry) adding a little of white wine and water mix to the tomato or it will cook to quickly; leave on low heat / medium until the vegetables are soft. Take some into a blender to make it creamy, adding the Indian mixed spices (black or white pepper, cayenne pepper, cinnamon, ginger, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom .. by usually they sell them already 'ready).

Curry di patate dolci e peperoni vegan:
2 spicchi di aglio medi tagliuzzati
1 cipolla
mix di peperoni (rozzi, verdi, gialli) 1 ciascuno
mezza patata bianca
mezza patata americana
prezzemolo fresco

Mettere gli ingredienti tutti insieme (non faccio soffritto) allungando i pelati con un po' di vino bianco e acqua se no tira troppo in fretta e far cuocere a fuoco basso/medio finche' le verdure non sono morbide. Prenderne un po' ad occhio e le ho frullate cosi' da farlo cremoso, e aggiungere le spezie miste indiane (pepe nero o bianco, peperoncino di cayenna, cannella, zenzero, chiodi di garofano, noce moscata, cardamomo.. di solito li vendono gia' pronti).

Cauliflower Crust Vegan and gluten free pizza


(enough to make a large pizza + a medium)

1kg frozen cauliflowers (not tried with fresh yet)
1tbsp olive oil
nutmeg (optional)
white pepper
1/2 tsp sugar
1 tsp dried yeast (for bread making)
100gr sorghum flour (or keff or other gluten free, doses may slight vary)
40 gr tapioca starch (or other gluten free)
chopped tomatoes
vegan cheese (i made my own)

Steam the cauliflower until soften (doesn't need to be full cooked).
While you are waiting mix the flour, starch, yeast and sugar making a smooth batter (like beated eggs), so not too thick and not too running). Wait until it raises (10 minutes should be enough to activate yeasts).

Let cauliflower cool down. Using a mixer add together the cauliflower, oil, salt and spices (pepper, nutmeg). Blend until smooth. Add this mixture to the batter (yeast and flour).
Spread over an oven baking tray and let it cook in the oven 180-200°C for 20-30 minutes (you should see the base raising a bit and becoming dry but take it out the oven before is full cokked and brown).
Now spread your favourite sauce ancd cheese (i blended chopped tomatoes, garlic, salt, basil leaves).
Cook for other 5-7 minutes. Wait to cool down before serving.

Spaghetti alla crema di arachidi - Peanuts pasta sauce

Crema di arachidi per 4 persone 
4 cucchiai di arachidi 
1 spicchio di aglio 
2 cucchiai di yogurt di soia bianco
Latte vegetale quanto basta
1 cucchiaino succo di limone
1 cucchiaino olio di sesamo

Frullare e aggiungere latte finché la crema ha la consistenza desiderata

Peanuts pasta sauce for 4 people:
4 tablespoons peanuts
1 clove of garlic
2 tablespoons white soy yogurt
Vegetable milk as needed
1 teaspoon lemon juice
1 teaspoon sesame oil

Blend all the ingredients, and add milk until the cream has the desired consistency.

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